How to make Kuli kuli

How to Make Kuli kuli

Kuli kuli business in Nigeria is undoubtedly changing so many lives. And the demand is still skyrocketing. If you are looking into producing kuli kuli by yourself, you are in the right place. Now, in a few steps, I want to show you how to make kuli kuli.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 1: Measure out the groundnuts

It is important to note the amount of groundnut you use in each production batch. This will help you keep track of your production input. So at the end of the day, you can calculate your profit after determining the amount of kulikuli you can produce from the batch.

You can buy a bag of unshelled groundnuts for N20,000 and a bag of only the seeds for N75,000 in Nigeria from Benue Foods and Market. If you are a supplier, let us know your price and your location in the comment section below. If you are also interested in buying groundnuts in bags, drop a comment in the comment section below so I can help you locate a trusted source. (We are not in any way responsible for business networks that exhume via this platform, so do your checks.) To contact us directly, mail us at

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 2: Roast the groundnuts

Have a big, wide pot on fire, waiting. This will ensure the pot is evenly heated up before the groundnut is introduced. Then pour the groundnut you have measured out into the hot pot. Then begin to stir evenly to distribute the heat across the groundnut. Continue to stir the groundnuts during the roasting, so the ones that are closer to the bottom of the pot don’t burn.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 3: Cool the groundnuts

The next step is to scoop out the roasted groundnut into a bowl and allow it to cool. This step is important to expose any water content left in the groundnut to evaporate in preparation for peeling and crushing.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 4: Uncover the groundnuts

After cooling, spread the groundnuts over a bag and lightly rub a wooden block over them to cause a little friction that will pull out their covering. Try not to crush the groundnuts so much during this process. Ensure you are doing this in a sand-free environment so as not to have sand grains get on the bag or into the groundnuts.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 5: Sieve out the covering

Transfer the groundnuts into a stainless steel tray in small batches. Shake and turn over the groundnut lightly in the air to separate the covering from the grains. Then blow out the coverings left on the tray or pick them out with your hands. This is a local method of sieving. Another method of sieving is to have a fan blow with slow pressure and then pour the mixture from one container into another over the fan. The air from the fan will blow out the covering from the mixture, which leaves you with the grains. This is a much faster and more effective method.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 6: Add Pepper and Salt

African foods are usually spicy. So in this step, we add a little dry pepper and salt to the groundnuts. At first, you should try adding them in small quantities. Then find out from friends if they like it to be more peppery or salty.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 7: Grind the groundnuts

The next step is to take the groundnuts to the mill and grind them into a fine paste, as shown above. The machines used in grinding the groundnuts are usually large, and it may not be cost-effective to have your own at first. So it’s a good idea to start by grinding your groundnuts somewhere else. The cost of maintaining the equipment, as well as the stress, can be quite high for a beginner.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 8: Stir the paste

Collect the ground mixture in a clean bowl. Add a little water to the paste and stir to even out the mixture. The purpose of the water is to soften the paste, as the paste gets thicker with time. The thicker the paste, the more difficult it is to stir. The water also helps with easy extraction of the oil.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 9: Add Seasoning to the paste

Stir the paste continuously until you begin to see the oil from the groundnut separating from the paste. Then add seasoning to the paste and continue to stir. The oil that comes out of the paste is pure groundnut oil, which is very delicious and highly recommended for cooking meals. It has no chemical additives and has undergone no form of processing. It is a pure, natural oil made from groundnut.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 10: Extract oil from the paste

Put a deep and wide metal pot on the fire and begin to transfer the oil from the paste into the pot to prepare it for deep frying. Ensure no part of the paste goes into the oil you’re scooping.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 11: Mold the paste

Now, it’s time to form the paste into whatever shape you want it to be served in. It could be spherical, flat or cylindrical, like in the photo above. Note that the bigger the balls, the harder they may be to ingest. Flatter patterns are crunchier and more popular.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 12: Fry the molds

The next step is to deep-fry the molded past. Pour the molds in little batches into the hot oil and allow them to sit for a while before you begin stirring. Be careful to continuously detach them from each other while stirring so they don’t remain like that after the frying, as they tend to cluster when introduced into the hot oil.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 13: Check for readiness

Your kuli kuli is ready when it is dry and hard. The color doesn’t change so much from the paste. Also, the spices you add can make the color a little bit darker compared to when there are no spices at all.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 14: Filter out excess oil

When your kuli kuli is finally ready, scoop them out of the boiling oil into a basket so as to drain out the excess oil. Place a bowl under the basket so you can collect the oil that drops off of it. Ensure your utensils are always clean and free from dust and dirt.

How to Make Kuli kuli

Step 15: Spread to cool

Finally, transfer them out into a bowl and allow them to cool a little before you begin packaging your kuli kuli. Here’s a guide on how to package kuli kuli.

Here is a link to the video guide on how to make kuli kuli on YouTube.

Are you a producer of kuli kuli, looking for a market or buyers for your product? Drop a comment in the comment section. We will add you to our business directory once we verify your business.

Also, if you are a producer or distributor of groundnuts across Nigeria, do indicate it in the comments so we can find you.

Thanks for reading this guide on how to make kuli kuli. Do you do yours differently, or are there any other tips you would like to share? Feel free to do that in the comment section, so we can also learn from you.

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